Leaders League ranking highlights partners at Porzio Rios Garcia

Hernan Rios, Cristobal Porzio, Ignacio Garcia, Marcelo Correa, and Fernando Villalobos, were distinguished in edition 2023.

The Leaders League publication, 2023 edition, gave solid recognition to the lawyers Hernan Rios, Cristobal Porzio, Ignacio Garcia, Marcelo Correa, and Fernando Villalobos, partners of the Porzio Rios Garcia law firm.

In the Technology and Digital Services category, Marcelo Correa and Cristobal Porzio were classified at the Recommended level, while in the Patent Registry, Porzio appears at the Excellent standard.

In Trademark Registration specialty, Cristobal Porzio, with Hernan Rios, was recognized at the Excellent level.

Compliance and Anti-Piracy was another matter where Porzio was Highly Recommended, as well as in Patent Litigation, where he shares position with Rios.

Concerning Intellectual Property Litigation, those recognized were Hernan Rios and Marcelo Correa as Excellent.

Cristobal Porzio was listed in Telecommunications Law as a Recommended lawyer and in ​​Protection of Plant Species as Highly Recommended.

Meanwhile, in the Tax, Corporate/M&A, and Real Estate, Development, and Construction areas, Ignacio Garcia was highlighted in Quality Practice.

In Labor Law, García, with Fernando Villalobos, were Highly Recommended 2.

Leaders League was founded in Paris in 1996 as an international classification and service agency for businesses focused on different industries, especially the legal area.

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