Porzio Rios Garcia was recommended in two practice areas: Intellectual Property and the Labor area. Also, the attorneys Marino Porzio and Ignacio García were distinguished in the list of “Leading Lawyers”, being recommended in Intellectual Property and Labor, respectively.
The attorneys Marcelo Correa, Cristóbal Porzio and Marino Porzio, were recognized too for their practice of Intellectual Property. In the field of Labor and Employment Law, Ignacio García was distinguished.
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The rankings are based on a series of criteria, with emphasis on highlighting “the practice area teams that provide the most innovative and cutting-edge advice to the corporate agent.” The Legal 500 research is based on comments from 300,000 clients worldwide, presentations from law offices and interviews with leading private practice partners, plus the support of a team of investigators who have an unparalleled experience in the legal market.