Porzio Rios Garcia appoints new partner

As of June 1, Fernando Villalobos joins as a new partner at Porzio Rios García firm, after five years of his arrival at the office.

Attorney from the University of Chile, Master of Laws (LL.M), University of California, Berkeley, Villalobos has specialized his professional practice in labor issues.

At Porzio Ríos García, he has focused on advising clients on litigation in labor matters, social security and collective bargaining, as well as in the practice of corporate and corporate law and commercial contracting.

Villalobos had a relevant professional career in the public and private sectors, highlighting his advice at the ILO, as Legal Consultant for the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, in Thailand and as legislative advisor to the Secretary of Labor.

He is also a professor in the Master of Law at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

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